cut the crap
here comes to the point
my recess time is not mine
i looked like zombie,running here and there during recess,
argh im not satisfied or feeling blissful with this kind of life like the passed time
i like to school somehow,even tuition (nerdy lol)
i feel so alive while answering teachers' questions like primary school students
"yesssss" "noooo" "AAAAA" "BBBBB" "CCCCC" "DDDDD" ahh so stupid but yet we enjoy haha (cause those teachers are so pity,they always teaching like talking to the wall)
the funnest things in class to do with deskmates are:-
1.being like bonehead,listening dull jokes from them but laughing like hell (your deskmate will say: "bu hao xiao",then you both laugh together) or telling dull jokes and acting like nothing happened when they gave no respond
2.tease them for anything,especially when they get low marks haha (of course give cheer sometimes too lar,dont be so evil :p)
3.cook for them
4.borrow homeworks to them,remind them what to do now and what period is coming next after this
5.hide their stationery,drawing on their hand,hit them
6.arguing for taking turn to play games on phone,remain astute sometimes (neh my deskmate always do so to me!give stupid reason like "oh just now you staring on me,i was stressed,so i missed,not counted,SO its still my turn to play" "10 mins 10 mins,NO,emm 5 lar?*act cute*" )
7.scolding them "du shu la!hai xiao arh?spm year ar!"
8.share stories with them with an opening "oii i tell you!"
9.imitate them
it may be nonsense for you,but its precious to me.
english feel like vy dim @@
the first funnest thing mean: sakkkk ling mong .
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